Wednesday, January 22, 2014


So you know how to pick out the perfect brush for contouring or foundation but do you know how to properly clean that brush? Before I got intensely involved into the beauty world I was unsure of how often we needed to clean our brushes. I was sure if I cleaned my brushes every couple of months I was doing pretty good. Boy was I wrong! Washing your makeup brushes should be a part of your regular beauty routine. When you use your brushes, bits of makeup, oil, dirt, and bacteria can get trapped in the bristles. So while it might seem time consuming it will save your skin from clogged pores and breakouts! Makeup brushes are an expensive tool needed to apply makeup, so cleaning them daily can help save your investment :)

I have found a quick and simple way to clean your makeup brushes at home. For my everyday routine I picked up the Sephora daily brush cleaner (any daily cleaner will work). I just quickly spritz it on the ends of my brushes and wipe off on a baby wipe. This is an important step if you are working with dark colors a lot and don't want color's to transfer. Once a week it's time for a deep clean (your brushes will need time to dry, so after you apply your makeup you can do your deep clean in minutes).

Here's my tips on how to clean your brushes

What you need:
1. A shallow bowl
2. Baby shampoo or antibacterial soap
3. Olive Oil ( I used Argon Oil because I had no olive oil)
4. Your sink
5. Lint free towel

What's next:

1. Begin by running your brushes DOWNWARD under the water. Focus on the bristles and not the part of the brush that connects the bristles to the handle. If you get that area wet too much the glue will loosen over time and bristles will fall out.

2. Fill a shallow bowl with your soap and a little bit of oil. Swirl your brush around in the soap to coat the bristles.

3. Gentle rub the bristles in your hand to make a lather.

4. Run under water and repeat if bristles do not come out clean (the water should run clear).

(For my foundation brush I wait to clean that last and just swirl it in the bowl and rinse, and repeat 2-3 times until the bristles are white again)

5. Place brushes on a towel to let dry (I roll the upper part of the towel so my brushes are facing downward)

And there you go, your brushes should be clean as a whistle. I washed my brushes today and it took me 5 minutes! Hopefully this helps you guys out with cleaning yours!

What is your favorite brand of brush?


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